I’m new
Coming to a church service for the first time can be both exciting and intimidating. We appreciate the desire to join us, and hope the time you spend in worship with us will be both meaningful and a blessed one.
Our Worship Services are characterized by a mix of both traditional and contemporary aspects, where everything that happens is centered around God and Christ, His word, His glory, and for the blessing and edification of His people.
Order of events:
1. Word of prayer, followed by lively and traditional worship songs with Christ exalting and God glorifying themes.
2. Devotion or worship exhortation where congregants are given the opportunity to worship with a song or a few words that come from a broken and contrite heart.
3. Worship with free-will offering unto our Lord, and announcement of church events / upcoming schedule. We also let first time guests be introduced and welcomed.
4. Kids are sent to Sunday School, and adults are ministered with God’s word.
5. Communion time as we come around the Lord’s table where everyone who has trusted and received Jesus as Lord and Savior are welcome to part-take.
6. Concluded with prayer and benediction.
Right after the worship service there is a time of fellowship with food (either Lunch or Snack) where there is an opportunity to really connect and get to know each other better so that we may better serve one another in Christ.